jobs: idle: no one government:plead-for-destruction lumber workers: miner: doctors: farmers: police: army: made2shred,petrol builders: good:webb bad: roguegenral-- powerplant workers: scientists:
RULES:you are not to edit the island unless approved (you may use the island with other projects but NOT other roleplaying games or games of the sort) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ THE AGE OF PURIFICATION we went to war today many of us died attacking roguegeneral's base while we were distracted he launched a nuke on each of our found islands the age of purification has begun! _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
game date:24th january 2016
to all expansion admins: i am now posting jobs for u to do to help fury island keep on track
WEBB: JOBS COMPLETED:1 do next update $25 MADE2SHRED: find people to join (atleast 1) 0/1 deadline:never
ROGUEGENRAL: JOBS COMPLETED:1 add your character to your island (again)-$25 and do next update-$50 total-$75 NOTICE: u must do the expansion updates from now on
SHOP!!! new release the shop!!! how to use: 1.gaining money for admins:do the set tasks/jobs the faster there done the more money u get and the faster u get another job for users:delivering resources via boats 2.spending it start a convo called "shop" with me and every time u want to buy a item for ur character message me and i will add it for the admins they message me and they add it.
form this is the form for creating an item copy and paste on convo to buy to buy just send the name and cost of the item (ADMIN ONLY)
NAMEwhat is the item called) TYPEwhat is it made of) USEwhat is it used for) COSTcreate only) CLEARENCEwho can use it eg miners lumber workers ect) ALLOWANCEis it for admins,users or both) DESCRIPTIONwhat does it look like) GRADEwhat is the lvl (will reflect on the lvling system coming soon))
NAME:pick axe TYPE:metal head with goo handle USE:mining rock COST:$25 CLEARENCE:miners,soldiers,builders ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:the ideal rock breaker for any miner GRADE:1
NAME:axe TYPE:nscn head and goo handle USE:cutting trees COST:$25 CLEARENCE:lumber workers,soldiers,builders ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:the ideal tree cutter for any lumber worker GRADE:1
NAME:plower TYPE:coal head with wood handle (long) USE:growing plants COST:$25 CLEARENCE:farmers,builders ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:the ideal plower for any farmer GRADE:1
NAME:colt pistol TYPE:metal body with nscn checker pattern on side USE:defending against attacks COST:$50 CLEARENCE:all ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:a defence against the attacking enimies GRADE:1
NAME:hammer TYPE:metal head with goo handle USE:building COST:$50 CLEARENCE:builders,soldiers ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:a tool used to build things GRADE:1
NAME:boat TYPE:customizable USE:getting around/delivering goods to nearby islands and getting resources and sometimes if ur lucky money (to the person who sailed out). COST:$400 CLEARANCE:all ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:used to get money and resources (dock needed to deliver goods) GRADE:3
NAME:power company shares TYPE:text USE:buying shares is for profit for example- PLEAD has 50% shares in webbs dock so he gets 50% of the income so if webb used to get 50 he now gets 25 and so do i COST:$50 CLEARANCE:all ALLOWANCE:both DESCRIPTION:used to buy into buissinesses and get money GRADE:-
money: plead-for-destruction:$500 made2shred:$250 roguegenral:$275 webb:$325 petrol:$100 admins start with 250 leader starts with 500 users start with 100
yer, but first i think u should post fury island on the topic? um, i get a sword, we interrogate rogue general, we accedentally destroy a rescue helicopter?