Oil Update!

  • Leaf1
    19th Mar 2024 Member 1 Permalink

    For this oil update, there will be crude oil(CRUDE), Gasoline(Change the name of OIL to GASO), Resin(RESI), Kerosene(KERO), and Broke Kerosine(BRKO) So, to Make these elements you Heat CRUDE up to 500C or higher, and it will seperate, GASO is light so its on top, then BRKO will float below GASO And RESI is below BRKO but, Crude oil is heaviest, so it will always be on the bottem, to make KERO BRKO needs to contact PTNM to form KERO Properties: CRUDE can be made by player, its in the Liquids section. GASO is in the Liquids Section, it explodes on contact with SPRK or FIRE Under pressure it turnts to GAS. Resin, holds powders together. KERO, in the explosives section when in contact with SPRK, Fire or Pressure higher than that of 4.20 will explode, when exploding converts into FIRE with properties of: 500C TEMP and pressure of 3.00 BRKO will not explode at all, converts to KERO when in contact with PTNM Add ons: Uranium will split to two neutrons and STNE with a type of URAN as waste. Notes: mod devs or TPT devs you may edit at will.