Unwanted Fancy Effects/Pretty Powder

  • RamenNoods
    1st February Member 1 Permalink

    I'm making an element in a Lua script and its functionality is good, but the graphics are messed up.
    It looks as if PROP_RADIOACTIVE is one of its properties but it is not. Also, the Pretty Powder setting affects the element as well. There is no graphics function in my element.
    There is another element in my file that has the radioactive and powder properties, if that would somehow cause this.


    Here's the script of the problematic element(not including the update function)

    --Allocates GSNS
    local gsns = elements.allocate("RAMEN", "GSNS")

    --Defining GSNS properties
    elements.element(elements.RAMEN_PT_GSNS, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_PSNS))
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_GSNS, "Name", "GSNS")
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_GSNS, "Description", "Gravity sensor, creates a spark when the gravity is greater than its temperature.")
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_GSNS, "Colour", 0x1B5E82)
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_GSNS, "Temperature", 273.15)
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_GSNS, "Properties", elem.SC_SENSOR + elem.TYPE_SOLID)

    Edit: And i just noticed the tachyons in my script are displayed like a gas... they are the one supposed to look like radioactive powders. how does this even happen

    Might as well throw that part of the script here too.

    --Allocates TACH
    local tach = elements.allocate("RAMEN", "TACH")

    --Defining TACH properties
    elements.element(elements.RAMEN_PT_TACH, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_PROT))
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_TACH, "Name", "TACH")
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_TACH, "Description", "Tachyons. Increase in speed as energy decreases.")
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_TACH, "Colour", 0xBF4fBD)
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_TACH, "Temperature", 9999)
    elements.property(elements.RAMEN_PT_TACH, "Properties", elem.SC_NUCLEAR + elem.TYPE_ENERGY + elem.PROP_LIFE_DEC + elem.PROP_LIFE_KILL + elem.PROP_RADIOACTIVE + elem.PROP_DEADLY)

    Everything was working perfectly before, and suddenly the graphics are messed up. Tested with only one element with no update functions and the problem persisted.

    Edited 3 times by RamenNoods. Last: 1st February
  • creator_of_fail
    10th March Member 0 Permalink

    I tested the tachyons and after isolating out the properties it seems like the whole thing is glitched and is making it show as a gas. It was very confusing to isolate because literally every property made it display as a gas. I have no idea what is causing this and you should probably get a developer.