A long term project that introduces subframed FPGA technology. The build sorts incoming cargo and loads it onto railroad cars, meanwhile supplying a reasonably efficient power plant with coal.
The build contains:
Everything in this build is subframed except for the electricity generation and the laser used for measuring the battery charge.
I loved this save! and I have some questions:
I'll answer the 2nd question first. LDTCs that don't have their ctype set are meant to read the ctype of the FILT or BRAY they're targeting and put that ctype into an adjecent FILT, it's a way to transport and copy ctype information. The ctype of a FILT or BRAY can hold 30 bits of information (see wavelengths) that can be modified with FILT logic, so LDTC/FILT lines are functionally equivalent to 30 lines of INST wire.
Pistons only react to sparked PSCN and NSCN when the SPRK has a life value of 3, so instead of sparking the PSCN/NSCN every time you need the piston to move you can also spark the PSCN/NSCN permanently and control the life value of the permanent SPRK with a deserializing LSNS. Because pistons move every frame they detect a sparked PSCN/NSCN with life value 3 this subframes the pistons.
The setup for a serialization based subframed PSTN (or PUMP, PPIP, PCLN, etc.) is:
You convert a normal value into a serialized value by adding 268435456 (hexadecimal 0x10000000) to it. If you want a PSCN/NSCN to be inactive you give its SPRK a life value of 4 so the incoming BRAY needs to have a ctype of 268435456 + 4; if you want a PSCN/NSCN to be active you give its SPRK a life value of 3 so the incoming BRAY needs to have a ctype of 268435456 + 3.
Let me know if things are still unclear.
Ah yes, now I understand how it works, Thank you, you helped a lot!