Wifi Challenge

  • scp_4950
    26th Sep 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Create a wifi contraption that can record at least 3 seconds of wifi activity and replay it later

  • Lord_Bowserinator
    26th Sep 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    WIFI -> DLAY -> WIFI (for every channel)

  • Jerehmia
    27th Sep 2023 Member 0 Permalink


    WIFI -> DLAY -> WIFI (for every channel)


    That will just remember one wifi signal, delay it for 3 seconds and resend it while ignoring every signal that comes after it within that 3 second timespan. You'd be better off using a WATR delay line because it can hold more sparks than just one.


    Let's agree that the signal record and replay must be user activated to make the challenge a little more difficult. (IOW the user must click/spark something to start the recording and click/spark again to replay it.)


    Edited 2 times by Jerehmia. Last: 27th Sep 2023