Ive tried to turn water into HYDG OXYG using TTAN, TUNG, METL, ETRD and even tesla coil, but the only thing that works is IRON but i dont want to use iron
i was using dstw and i checked up on the iron for whatever reason and it was corroded also if i used electrodes wouldnt the water turn into wtrv?
heres the finished thing:303747
sorry i thought you said electrodes not electrons
how would i cool it down too because theres not really anything kinda cold and and dont want to use the cool tool
as for the gold near the iron could you exxplain further or do i just like put a strip of gold 1 px away
why did you say the electrolyzer dosent work, like it does what its supposed and if your talking about the void its so it dosent fill up