DIRT or Dirt would be a powder that acts like SAND but can absorb water like SPNG(with absorbed water turned into the life value) and melts at 1100 C.
It can have up to 30 "life" before it becomes MUD and when it has negative "life"(however that would happen) it becomes SAND.
If DIRT has a TMP value of 0 it does not absorb water, with a TMP of 1 they do(and its defualtly set to 1)
MUD or Mud acts like DIRT but is a liquid, doesnt abosorb water, and when it has less then 30 "life" it becomes DIRT but has a chance to become CLST(about 10 DIRT for every 2 CLST, if that makes sense).
GRAS or Grass is created from PLNT touching DIRT, when GRAS touches DIRT it grows upwards one pixel while taking away 2 "life" from the dirt.
If GRAS has a TMP value of 0 it does not absorb water from DIRT, with a TMP of 1 they do(and its defualtly set to 1) and the TMP value has a 30% chance to be changed to 0 if its touching NEUT.
GRAS does not absorb water from itself like PLNT and if the DIRT its touching has more then 15 "life" or less then 1 "life" the GRAS will not grow and will slowly become DGRS.
GRAS, unlike PLNT, doesnt become a blob of WOOD when it touches NEUT.
DGRS or Dead Grass does nothing and is a powder.
DIRT is brown but slightly textured like QTRZ or SAND and it gets darker with how much water it has absorbed, MUD is dark brown, GRAS is green, and DGRS is light grey.
This is cool. I like how it is an actually good dirt, grass, and mud suggestion.
Commenting less than a month after isn't necro.
Yeah it isn't
I also think you should add some uses to DGRS. Maybe like "DGRS will turn back into GRAS if touching DIRT with a life value of 15".