Turing machine series (TM)

  • Zero5556
    21st May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    TM 1.0 (Turing Machine):


    -TM 1.0 is a Turing machine model, and it has limitations such as:
    +Only 2 symbols: blank and 0 (1 in TM 1.5)
    +The tape is not infinite.
    +Only store up to 4 states.
    -Also works similar to Turing machine, you can input your input with "Input Device" and run your code, then you can reset save to run again.

    -How to write code and state:
    +TM 1.0 has 6 wifi channels and 5 of them are used to run the code, specifically as follows:
    + Temperature and command:
        22: Left (L)
        122: Right (L)
        222: Write blank (blank)
        322: Write 0 (0)
        522: Halt (H)
    +The address of the state is called in the range: 0x10000000-0x10000003 and is stored in FILT, you will have to use PROP to edit its ctype.
    Steps to write code:

    +First block will execute if input is "0" and next block will execute if "blank" and repeat, first 2 blocks will be in state "0" and next 2 will be in state "1" and so on incremented.


    Step 1: Click "Create Block".
    Step 2: Press the commands you want such as: L, R, H and "write called state address" (Note: once you have written the Halt (H) instruction, you cannot write the called state address anymore).
    Step 3: Press "New Block" and repeat to step 1.

    +Since TM 1.0 only has a maximum of 4 states, you can only "New Block" and "Create Block" up to 8 times (Number of symbols*number of states).
    +Finally copy what the Coder generates and paste it right next to the FRME of TM 1.0 and press "Run".

    Edited 4 times by Zero5556. Last: 21st May 2023