Yet another Clone Powder suggestion but with other elements used to manipulate it, with those having other uses themselves and particles they can form that themselves have even more uses. Cool, right? Yes? No? IDK.
Six elements that might be of some use. Not expecting these to get added but it would be cool if they did nevertheless.
Clone Powder, CLNP
'Clone Powder. Clones elements and can be moved around.'
It's like Clone, but it's a powder. It cannot be stopped from cloning and can fall. it cannot clone solids, instead attempting to place a corresponding powder in their place, or nothing if that fails.
Now, by default, it cannot pick up particle IDs, and it can't be turned on by SPRK. So, how do you use it?
Here's where the other elements come through.
Tau Particle, TAU
'Very heavy lepton. Pierces insulation and activates Clone Powder.'
The Tau Particle is a superheavy Lepton. It is used to activate Clone Powder. It can be generated by hitting NEUT against powered SWCH with 10% chance, and can then be filtered by using OWPG. It phases through INSL flawlessly and creates SPRK when striking conductive metals, decaying to a NEUT in the process. It can also be 'sterilized' by bombardment with ELEC (specifically, having more than 3 ELEC at one in a 4x4 area). This sets its life to 3000 and causes it to decay to an electron rather than a Pion.
Its careful containment is needed to prevent poisoning your CLNP operation machines with Pions. Use PARI to build chambers, and use OWPG to filter it to a Pion disposal box before it decays and destroys your whole operation.
Kaon Particle, KAON
'Very heavy meson. Pierces insulation and deactivates Clone Powder.'
The Kion Particle is a superheavy Lepton. It is used to deactivate Clone Powder. It can be generated by hitting PROT against unpowered SWCH with 10% chance, and can then be filtered by using OWPG. It phases through INSL flawlessly and deletes SPRK when striking it, decaying to a PROT in the process. It can also be 'sterilized' by bombardment with ELEC (specifically, having more than 3 ELEC at one in a 4x4 area). This sets its life to 3000 and causes it to decay to an electron rather than a Pion.
Its careful containment is needed to prevent poisoning your CLNP operation machines with Pions. Use PARI to build chambers, and use OWPG to filter it to a Pion disposal box before it decays and destroys your whole operation.
Pion Particle, PION
'Very heavy meson. Weak to insulation, but scrambles electronics.'
The Pion Particle is a superheavy Meson. It exists solely to necessitate careful management of the other particles. It can be generated either by hitting PROT against Powered SWCH or NEUT against unpowered SWCH with 25% chance, or by the decay of TAU and KAON particles. Luckily, it is easily removed with INSL. The only issue is that the particles that decay into it, that being the Tau and Kaon, are not so easily destroyed and can pass through INSL. It also has a chance (5% per frame) to decay any Taus or Kaons in a 5x5 radius to Pions. It cannot be sterilized and will instead cause an explosion when hit by electron bombardment, creating 2 ELEC at 3000C and 2.5 pressure.
Treat it with utmost respect or face the failure of your particle facilities. Use PARI to block it, OWPG to separate it from the main section, and INSL to remove it. You will need to make the walls of your experiment chambers out of Pion disposal boxes or it will build up and become unstoppable.
Particle Insulation, PARI
'Particle Insulator. Stops highly penetrating particles, but cannot prevent heat transfer.'
Particle Insulation is used to form the borders of your chambers or disposal boxes. It prevents TAU, KAON, and PION from breaking out, which could have unforeseen consequences. Also allows you to block Pions, giving you a chance to make a Pion cannon without using 'cheaty' frame-building elements.
Use this to prevent particles from getting where they shouldn't, simple. A basic building block for chambers.
One-Way Particle Gate, OWPG,
'One-Way Particle Gate. Allows particles in on one side but not the others. Set direction with arrow keys.'
One-Way Particle Gate, allows you to filter out elementary particles. By default, it allows in all elementary particles, but you can set up to two elements (stored in CTYPE and TMP) to filter out by drawing over it. It can be toggled with SPRK, the default state is On.
Extremely useful for isolating particles. Is also useful for capturing either stray PION or storing used TAU and KAON to decay so that you don't poison your facility.
Pion containment box
Utility uses
The new particles can be used to moderate pressure as well. Taus are pressure amplifiers, Kaons are pressure nullifiers, and Pions are pressure alternators. Some of these are more useful than others, but a sterile Tau injection can be used to kickstart a nuclear bomb, and sterile Kaons to prevent such.
It is possible to create bombs with some particles. While Taus and Kaons cannot explode and can only moderate pressure in Plutonium weapons, their daughter the Pion can. Pions decay when bombarded with ELEC into 2 ELEC at 3000C and 2.5 pressure. This means that a highly efficient Pion bomb can be created by filling an easily-meltable bombshell with Pions and injecting a small number of electrons. The ELEC and PION cause a chain reaction that creates extreme pressure and heat, as well as bombarding the area with electrons and possibly any surviving Pions.
IRL, this bomb, assuming it worked the same, would likely generate a small fireball of mostly superheated molten metal and dust, accompanied by a powerful shockwave and immediate extreme radiation, possibly worse than the Demon Core. These effects wouldn't last long but could pierce bunkers and terrain, killing every single thing in a vast radius with just sheer radiation poisoning. This could also shock you due to the powerful waves of electrons, hindering your ability to even move before the radiation damage from the pions could kill you.
One thing i noticed about this list, the clone powder is in another game already, so idk if the devs would implement this into TPT. Also, TMI moment
the best match i can find is bcln which is still a solid
I mean something that falls easily, not something that floats around