i think i found a way to contain an infinite fusion reaction with destroyable materials, via GPMP and GEL, where the GPMP keeps the gel between the reaction and the reactor walls... i made a save to test this, and it seems to work perfectly, with an incredible heat output...
this is the save
gpmg is not very destructible and pressure can be used to contain warp i used deuterium neutron
Of course i know that GPMP isn destructible, but i only use a few pixels of it anyways so therefore i dont count that... Pressure isnt very efficient to contain warp, and a deuterium reaction plus the infinite fusion isnt a self sustaining infinite fusion reactor, its a deuterium/neutron assisted infinite fusion reactor.
edit: nvm pressure doesent work at all cause u need pressure difference to contain it and since infinite fusion produces pressure it always maximises it if you dont use unbreakable materials (like VACU).
i used deuterium reaction to keep warp inside
and u can use deuterium neutronium for make reactor better