- it will be 1 element that can be placed only once as 1 pixel and it will turn pressure or velocity into sound
sound volume should not exceed 60 dB
More better it would be if it took information from filt so it would be possible to make actual sounds but since it is sound , it will be rejected (there is somewhere list of rejected suggestions but i dont remember where exactly)
This is a decent sound idea conceptually, but it sadly just can't work from a technical perspective. The simulation updates at 60 frames per second normally, meaning the sound wave generated would have a sample rate of 60Hz. This means that the highest frequency you could play (the Nyquist frequency) is 30Hz, which is just barely above the lowest frequency the human ear can hear (~20Hz). You'd only be able to play extremely low bass sounds with an element like this.
For comparison, most of the digital audio you listen to on a daily basis is 44.1kHz (or 44100Hz).
we can increase fps limit actualy
Yes, but not to 44.1kHz (44100Hz, or 44100 frames per second) or even the bare minimum for audio which I'd consider about 8kHz (8000Hz/8000fps). tpt.setfpscap() isn't a cheat code that magically makes the game run better.
uh ok