Strict Bits

  • MachineMan
    11th Feb 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    I once suggested new operator modes for FILT that would've allowed dcolour to be searialized; not realizing the mechanics of wavelength in tpt.  Look for the my thread "New FILT mode ideas" to learn more.  Here's some new operator mode ideas that are feasible and useful:



    tmp12=XAND mode:


    XAND FILT will let photons or BRAY pass if the ctype of the incoming element matches the FILT's ctype exactly; for example, an XAND FILT with a ctype of 3 will annihilate photons or BRAY with the following ctypes:


    • 4, because neither bits 1 or 2 are on.
    • 1, because only bit 1 is on.
    • 2, because only bit 2 is on.
    • 7, because both bits 1 and 2 are on, but so is a bit that is neither 1 nor 2.


    No combination of FILT operator modes can replicate this; XAND FILT with only one significant bit, however, can be replicated with SUB FILT with only one insignificant bit, but the construction of XAND FILT with only one significant bit is easier, especially for noobs.



    tmp13=NAND mode:


    NAND FILT is the total opposite of XAND FILT; it only let's photons or BRAY that don't match it's ctype exactly.  NAND FILT with a ctype of 3, for example, will let photons or BRAY of any ctype pass, except a ctype of 3.


    tmp14=XNAND mode:


    XNAND FILT with more than one significant bit will let photons or BRAY pass if either incoming element has one or some of the bits that matches it's ctype but not all; photons or BRAY with all of the bits that match FILT's ctype will be annihilated.  XNAND FILT will also subtract bits that don't match it's ctype.  XNAND FILT with only one significant bit functions as a SUB FILT with the same ctype, so it's recommended to only use XNAND FILT with multiple significant bits.





    These FILT operator modes are useful in you need a specific wavelength to pass through or be subtracted.  Combining current FILT modes, by and large, either can't replicate the features of these new ones, or the new ones are easier to make than the ones that can.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 11th Feb 2023