Can't point down

  • MachineMan
    1st Dec 2022 Member 1 Permalink

    I've been experimenting with stacked subframe machines that are only 2 pixels long, but consist of 4 pixels in total.  Thanks to the subframe order, an upward-pointing subframe ARAY (or UPSFA) and rightward-pointing subframe ARAY (or RPSFA) are easier than a leftward-pointing subframe ARAY (or LPSFA) or a downward-pointing subframe ARAY (or DPSFA).  I've successfuly made a LPSFA that obeys the subframe order, but every DPSFA prototype I come up with fails to do so because the ARAY has to have a larger y coord than the copied solid SPRK in order to point down.  Is it possible to circumvent this and; if so, how?  Here's the save:

    P.S. I think I've gotten left and right mixed up; is left and right in tpt defined as your left and right, or your computer's left and right (you and your computer always face opposite directions).

    Edited 2 times by MachineMan. Last: 8th Dec 2022
  • Maticzpl
    1st Dec 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    I usually use smth like this

    PSCN on one side
    Stack with CONV(PSCN, CONV(SPRK) and ARAY on the other
  • MachineMan
    1st Dec 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    It worked, thank you for your help.