MGSM is a lightweight light grey metal that burns when hot or explodes if mixed with LOXY and sparked. Melts at 650C. MGSM burns in low life fire. It will burn/explode even in CO2 and WATR. When Burns/explodes it will produce purely white photons. it can absorb HYGN and release it when sparked. It will become harder to burn/explode when it absorbs more and more HYGN (if the MGSM contains more than 99 HYGN particles then it will explode). It will have mild qrtz scattering on protons. When SLTW turns into steam and salt it will have a chance to replace salt with MGSM with tmp2 of 1. If pressurised it will set the tmp2 to 1 and will behave as powder and have a slightly purplish hue if the tmp2 is 1 so there is no need in PMGM (Powder Magnesium).
already added by mods
then send a link to a mod/script with element with exact properties as in my description