Interface.c controls the signs and such, I want to know if there is another thing I can calculate other than pressure or temperature. What I mean is that I want to put something like {p} in a sign, but not have it register the pressure. What else is there?
Well is there? I might be able to make it display what element is on it, but Idk what you'd have to put. When I get off mobile I'll give you the snippet of code that controls it. Edit: Here it is: if(strcmp(signs[i].text, "{p}")==0) *w = textwidth("Pressure: -000.00");
@gamerboy8864 Besides the necro, it may have moved and/or changed coding. Not sure how to do it now until I find the signs again. But even before that I need to fix a linker error, which pops up no matter where the files are.