make spark repel and accelerate prot it will be usefull for things like prot bombs maybe reactors or super compact particle coliders
no as i said make spark repel prot and accelerate it forward
We got it the first time but protons have to touch SPRK in order to delete it; this suggested feature would break saves.
proton removing spark is used in litteraly 0 saves ever exluding proton fusion by using sprk(prot)
Protons removing SPRK is a feature that is frequently used to dispose of annoying SPRK.
Back to theoriginal suggestion: Protons can already be accelerated using GPMP.
Well there is a solution to both problems. The developers can easily add a form of Prot with a special feature such as tmp2=1. When tmp2 of prot isn't 1, it will delete sprks. When it is it can be repelled blah blah blah