I've built a GLAS factory that converts ROCK into GLAS; it comes equipped with with a recycler that turns STNE that has been chiseled out of ROCK back into ROCK so it doesn't go to waste. But the recylcler gets clogged with every design I come up with to put the resulting ROCK back into circulation. I tried to put PRTO pixels in the waterfall but the ROCK solidifying around the PRTO pixels wasn't being chiseled often enough and the recycler got backed up after a while. I tried using FRAY-based machines around the PRTO pixels to launch the LAVA(ROCK) away from the PRTO pixels but it kept solidifying at the nozzles of these FRAY-based machines and, once again, blocking the recycler's output. I don't want to have to resort to using CONV to convert the recycled ROCK directly into SAND because then all my hard work of making the recycler will have gone to waste. What should I do? Here is the save:
I took your advice and replaced that save with a new one with a cooler name. Every machine is working fine except the chamber that pressure-cooks the resulting PSTE into STNE; the PSTE keeps solidifying into PSTS before it turns into BRCK because of diagonal heat conduction. What should I do to circumvent this? Here is the save:
EDIT1: Nevermind I think I have a solution.
EDIT2: I repaired it and it's ready.