I'm trying to make a proton laser specifically designed to make SING. I looked it up and found the velocity bracket for PLUT-making is 700-500000; SING is the next step up, ergo I shall aim for a velocity >500000. But what life value should I set ACEL to do that?
bro you can put numbers in prop tool (crazy am i right?)
I already know that; I need to know the number which ACEL's life value must be, not how to set a life value. A particle's velocity by which ACEL increases is equal to 1% of ACEL's life value; I tried setting the life value 60000000 to get a velocity of 600000, but I got a lot of PLUT and not enough SING. Is it possible to get only SING and if so, how high does the velocity have to be?
I think that maybe the 500,000 figure might be innacurate. Also, maybe friction gets applied before the shift, so once it goes super far and gets slowed down by everything, it might be too small of a value.
The 500000 figure it accurate, but it's not the velocity, rather closer to the square of the velocity. When you take the square root and half it (due to the fact that there are two protons), you get about 353.55, which is the minimum desired velocity of one proton (assuming I'm doing this right). Using FRAY, because I think it would serve the purpose well, it's temperature should be about 364 I think. Keep in mind that this is just looking at the source and guessing, without any real experimentation, so it could easily be off.
@MachineMan that's not how ACEL works, you can't make it super powerful by increasing its life like that. You just have to have a long line of ACEL.
I tried and it didn't work; all the proton does is dissappear. Here is the save:
I fixed that; I drew a line of diamond where the "far away" proton kept appearing and got some SING, but then it stopped and now it won't make anymore SING whenever I try it again.