
  • ArolaunTech
    27th Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink





    I made a new mod that adds 10 new elements into the game.



    Added elements by section



    Electronics (1)


    • LED (Light-Emitting Diode). Emits light when sparked.


    Sensors (1)


    • CSNS (Ctype SeNSor). Detects if a particle’s ctype matches with its own and sparks nearby conductors if it does. Range controlled by tmp2 and mode controlled with life.

    • In mode 0, it sparks when its ctype is the same as the particle it’s looking at.

    • In mode 1, it sparks when its ctype is not the same as the particle it’s looking at.

    • In mode 2, it sparks when all positions that are zero in the CSNS’s ctype are zeros in the particle’s ctype. In other words, the bitwise or of the two particles’ ctypes has to be the same as the CSNS’s ctype.

    • In mode 3, it sparks when at least one position that is a zero in the CSNS’s ctype is a zero in the particle’s ctype. In other words, the bitwise or of the two particles’ ctypes should not be negative 1.

    • In mode 4, it sparks when the bitwise and of the two particles’ ctypes is the same as the CSNS’s ctype.

    • And finally, in mode 5, it sparks when the bitwise and of the two particles’ ctypes is not 0.


    Explosives (1)


    • SBMB (Super BoMB). Destroys everything.


    Gases (1)


    • CNVP (CarboN VaPor). Formed when graphite is vaporized.


    Solids (3)


    • GRPH (GRaPHite). A solid with many uses, including bunkers, steel makers, pencils, furnaces, heat shields, and more.

    • JELY (JElLY). A (kind of) moving solid in TPT.

    • NSTK (Non-STicK). A solid that does not stick to gel.


    Radioactive (1)


    • CALI (CALIfornium). A powder that decays into many neutrons.


    Special (1)



    Life (1)


    • R54 (Rule 54). An implementation of rule 54 in TPT.



    Changes to existing elements


    • STKM and STK2 now have health bars.






    Get it on the script server:


    Please report any bugs or suggest new features in the comments.