make use of redundant qrtz tmp2 values

  • 6nop6nop
    10th Jun 2022 Member 1 Permalink

    modified qrtz graphics function

    int Element_QRTZ_graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS)
     //QRTZ and PQRT
     /* qrtz has a lot of unused tmp2 values that are just white and unreachable without
      using the console so i added some real life examples of more colors*/
    //0xdd - 0xaa = 51
        if(cpart->tmp2 < 32)//normal
            int z = (cpart->tmp2 - 5) * 16;//speckles!//aadddd
            *colr += z;
            *colg += z;
            *colb += z;
            return 0;
        if(cpart->tmp2 < 64)//amethyst
            int z = (cpart->tmp2 - 37) * 16;//speckles!//ddaadd
            *colr += z + 51;
            *colg += z - 51;
            *colb += z;
            return 0;
        if(cpart->tmp2 < 96)//citrine
            int z = (cpart->tmp2 - 69) * 16;//speckles!
            *colr += z + 76;
            *colg += z -26;
            *colb += z - 51;
            return 0;
        if(cpart->tmp2 < 128)//green
            int z = (cpart->tmp2 - 101) * 16;//speckles!
            *colr += z;
            *colg += z;
            *colb += z - 51;
            return 0;
        int z = (cpart->tmp2 - 133) * 16;//speckles!
        *colr += z;
        *colg += z - 51;
        *colb += z - 51;
        return 0;