vibrating thingy

  • crazylab
    10th Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    No, not a sound thing nor anything like VIBR

    TMPA(tympanum,DRUM could be an option)


    Is a solid

    When activated with SPRK, It charges. When any liquid/powder/gas particles are touching the charged TMPA, accelerates touching liquid/powder/gas particles away from it and discharges. The force is random but the default is a little weak(I think for WATR, from 0.5 to 3 would be nice).

    Has a cooltime(tmp, 3 frames).

    Heats up slowly, melts to molten METL when over 1000?.

    Control force with tmp2

    when attached to FRME, discharges and accelerates liquid/powder/gas particles touching the FRME away from the FRME when any liquid/powder/gas particles touches it.


    Used to mix things, usually.