I made a really quick variant that fired photons, instead of instead death rays. Also, it's actually deadly too. And no wifi. It doesn't have any decorative work though. I didn't even save it. I like your design. The only problem is the fact that you have a toggle switch, instead of having to hold down the trigger.
How about some one make a good one where electricity controls the fire sequences, where the charge passes a number of barrels and each one fires off. sort of like in a loop
Made it a photon shooter that can actually burn through materials and fires constantly. I thought I'd ask your permission before I published it.
Changed the ignition so the on sends a wifi signal to start the PCLN firing photons and the off button turns the PCLN off. Added small INSL barriers to prevent the pressure and heat from the plasma turning the wifi recievers to lava. Coated the handle in diamond and turned the glass into broken glass in order to prevent it breaking and flying off because of the pressure from the plasma. Added plasma heaters at the ends of the barrels to heat the photons to allow them to burn through materials. Added void walls around the plasma heaters to prevent leakage.