Most eficient way to cool/heat?

  • leandroczbr
    19th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    I made this thread to ask about the most eficient way to cool/heat in tpt

    (remember: I put here only realistic options, not like HEAT or COOL cuz thats op)



    Fire: >heats to 422 C at max; >Generates smoke and pressure; >Can burn things

    Radioative elements: >Too risky; >Too expensive and complex



    Air(using air heat): >Too slow; >very realistic >Cools to 22 C at max

    Water: >Fast >Can turn into steam

    Freeze powder: >Not realistic


    if you know a heating/cooling method, pls comment below :)


    19th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    You can use CRAY, set the ctype of the CRAY to HEAC and just set the temp of the cray to create an extremely specific temperature.

    Edited once by IEATDIRT. Last: 19th Jan 2022
  • MachineMan
    20th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    1:  Radioactive elements are not expensive, they don't cost money.  And 2:  The best way to conduct heat is to use the elements with the highest heat conductivity.  FILT and HEAC both have a heat conductivity of 251; pretty high.  But the elements with the highest heat conductivity are VACU and VENT, both of which have a heat conductivity of 255.  If you're concerned about positive or negative pressure, simply disable the air simulation or surround the VACU or VENT with TTAN, VIBR, PUMP, or a pressure-blocking wall of any kind.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 21st Jan 2022
  • EnganK
    20th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    - some methods of temperature control.


    The best ways to transfer heat are GLOW for pipes, HEAC for solids, CRMC for solids if you want destructibility.

    Radioactive elements (especially uranium) are actually pretty easy to control with PUMP.

    Edited once by EnganK. Last: 20th Jan 2022
    20th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

     HEAC has dedicated code that makes it conduct heat faster than other elements, even though it has a lower heat conductivity

  • MachineMan
    21st Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @IEATDIRT (View Post)

     Then what's the point of having a higher heat conductivity?

  • geoatom
    22nd Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink


  • Jerehmia
    2nd Feb 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    You can set the HEAC temperature too by using deserialization, just set the HEAC particle's life to 10 and its tmp to 1, then place a FILT particle next to it; the ctype of the FILT will determine the temperature. You can set the FILT temperature by using serialization with a TSNS (read Cracker1000's tutorial, id:2446165). The simplest way to get stuff to room temperature quickly is to put some INWR around (or in) it and spark the INWR.

    Edited once by Jerehmia. Last: 2nd Feb 2022
  • Supercrafter
    2nd Feb 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

     Well if your reactor, or something that creates high heat needs constant cooling (would explode or fail without it), then that'd be beneficial if the heat can be voided into the cooler faster 

  • KnZahid300
    3rd Feb 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    You can use the bray launched by pscn to change the temp of anything,put the temp of the aray