New animation

  • MachineMan
    2nd Dec 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I found that virus (solid, liquid, or gas) can't be decoed.  I have an idea for a new feature:


    Virus should be able to be decoed and, when cured, the resulting element shouldn't inherit the dcolour.  This will make a new kind of animation possible.


    Step 1. Draw a message or image in any solid element that is not immune to virus.

    Step 2. Envelope the message or image in a non-hollow box of VRSS and wait for infection.

    Step 3. Deco the box in black.

    Step 4. Pause and set the VRSS's pavg0 to a non-zero value.

    Step 5. Publish your save with a sign instructing the user to unpause.

    Step 6. Unpause and watch the secret message or secret image reveal itself from what looks like the black background.


    Right now, you can draw a message or image, deco it black, build a machine rigged to pour SOAP on it, then publish your save.  But what if your secret message contains the letters U, V, W, X, or Y?  The SOAP could get stuck in the tops of the letters and not drawing pixels in certain spots as a means to drain the SOAP could mess with the aesthetics of your secret message.  With this new feature of virus, you wouldn't have to worry about that.

    Edited 3 times by MachineMan. Last: 3rd Dec 2021
  • TiredTech
    9th Dec 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Or you could envelope all your letters with coal, so when the virus is added, it envelops the entire area. If you color coal black then when everything goes back to normal, it still looks like it's just your secret message.

    If you want to hide the message at the start, you could position a bunch of gravitons above everything and paint the gravitons black. Then set the gravitons to a huge velocity so that they fly from existance during the first frame.