Time crystals

  • MachineMan
    23rd Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I once tried my hand at creating a quantum computer (save id is 2418189.)  It was supposed to revolutionize information technology in tpt; instead it became my most downvoted save.  I understand why people hate it, but that's not going to stop me from introducing quantum computers to tpt.  I came up with an element that will be a perfect candidate for qubits.  Here it is:


    Time crystal (or TCRY):


    TCRY is a solid.  It's immune to ACID, BOMB, and DEST.  It's doesn't conduct heat and it blocks protons.  The 1st 2 subsections below explain it's properties that simulate quantum properties that real life quibits have; the 3d subsection explains addidtional properties not related to the construction of quantum computers and are there just because they're cool.  The 3rd subsection also explains the only way TRCY's temperature can be changed without console or property tool:



    TCRY's life value; by default, constantly fluctuates from 0 to 1 and back again.  But when it comes into contact with LSNS, it's ctype is set to LSNS and it enters "freeze" mode.  Whichever life value it stops on when it enters "freeze" mode is; for all intents and purposes, random unless you can time it just right.  It exits "freeze" mode and returns to it's default mode when no longer touching LSNS.  Whichever life value LSNS gets triggered by is; of course, deterimined by a combination of LSNS's temperature and whether LSNS's tmp is 0 or 2.  But TCRY's superposition properties alone means that it's not gauranteed to give you the result you want.  That's where TRCY's entanglement properties (see subsection below) come in.



    TRCY pixels with the same temperature are "entangled".  When 2 TRCY pixels are entangled, that means that when one is in contact with LSNS and enters "freeze" mode, the other will enter "freeze" mode without having to touch LSNS.  A TRCY pixel that enters "freeze" mode in such a way will have a pavg0 of 1 and spark conductive elements on it's own instead of having to rely on LSNS to do so for it.  The tmp2 value of the entangled TRCY pixel without LSNS determines which life value it will assume when the entangled TRCY pixel with LSNS enters "freeze" mode.  If it's tmp2 is 1, it'll assume the opposite value of of the entangled TRCY pixel with LSNS.  If it's tmp2 is 2, it'll assume the same value as the entangled TRCY pixel with LSNS.  Keep in mind that while using TCRY's entanglement properties to manipulate it's superposition properties (see subsection above) won't eliminate the randomness of the randomized results completely, it has the potential to reduce that randomness tremendously.


    Misc properties:

    TCRY will absorb ISOZ upon contact; when it does so, it'll have a pavg1 of 1 and it's temperature will lower to -114C and it'll become ISZS.  ISZS produced in this way is perpetual; it does not decay into photons overtime as ISZS does in other circumstances.  This "perpetual" ISZS; however, still turns into photons when irradiated with photons, or under negative pressure.  Upon contact with TCRY, DUST will turn into GUN, GUN will turn into BOMB, and BOMB or FWRK will turn into DEST.  These catalyzations will only happen if the DUST, GUN, BOMB, or FWRK is touching the sides of the TCRY pixel; not the corners.


    NOTE:  I fear that this might be one of the most, if not the most, complicated elements in the history of tpt to make.  But I strongly believe it'll all be worth it, just to be able to simulate quantum physics more accurately in tpt.

    Edited 5 times by MachineMan. Last: 29th Jan 2022
  • EnganK
    23rd Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Everything needed for quantum computers (and wiki documentation) is in the TPT Ultimata mod. Considering that you don't have a single working computer, it would be interesting to see the result.

  • Lord_Bowserinator
    23rd Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @EnganK (View Post)

     I think I am the only person that has built anything with quantum logic gates though lol (I made a quantum full adder to test it). Quantum computing is too hard and you can't really make anything with only a few qbits


    Edit: relevant wiki https://github.com/Bowserinator/TPT-Ultimata-Mod/blob/development/Wiki/elements/electronics/QLOG.md 

    Edited once by Lord_Bowserinator. Last: 23rd Nov 2021
  • KnZahid300
    24th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Time crystal is in cracker100mod too,check in powered materials

  • MachineMan
    24th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lord_Bowserinator (View Post)

     I've seen QLOG on that gif on github and it looks pretty cool.  It's a shame that we don't have that in vanilla tpt; on the positive side, implementing TCRY would allow proper quantum computers to happen as well as QLOG.  On that note, is QLOG the element used as the actual qubit in this mod; if not than which element is?


    @KnZahid300 (View Post)

     What does time crystal do on this mod?

  • Lord_Bowserinator
    24th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

     ION stores the actual qbits, QLOG manipulates the quantum state

  • KnZahid300
    25th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

    It becomes to an element ctype when life at 0