Advanced scanning and new properties

  • MachineMan
    21st Nov 2021 Member 2 Permalink

    DTEC and LDTC are useful when a machine needs to be triggered by a specific element (LDTC more so than DTEC due to LDTC having infinite range.)  But what if a machine needs to be triggered not only by a specific element, but by a certain number of pixels of the specific element?  That's what the two elements down below are for.  Here they are:


    Advanced detector (or AVDT):


    Like DTEC, AVDT's ctype determines which element for which it scans.  Also like DTEC, it's tmp2 determines it's scanning range with a maximum of 25 and setting it's tmp2 any higher won't work (which, as you all know, is true not only for DTEC, but for all sensors except LDCT, and INVS.)  The difference is that it's life determines the minimum number of pixels of the element that matches it's ctype must be present within it's scanning range for it to be triggered.  It must be in direct contact with a conductive element to spark it (just like all sensors except INVS.)  AVDT will dump it's data into FILT if it's tmp is 1.


    Advanced linear detector (or AVLT):


    Properties it shares with LDTC:

    AVLT's ctype determines the element for which it scans.  It's scanning range, by default, is infinte but will match is tmp if it's tmp is set to a non-zero value.  It scans in 8 directions and sparks a conductive element on the opposite side or opposite corner.  The conductive element must be in direct contact with AVLT to be sparked by it (just like all sensors except INVS.)  It's tmp2 determines it's operator mode in the same way the tmp2 of LDTC determines LDTC's operator mode, except in the case that a tmp2 of 1 will give it an operator mode that's unique to it.  This unique operator mode is explained in the "Unique properties" subsection below.  It's life determines how many pixels are to be skipped before it starts scanning.  AVLT will dump it data into FILT unless it's tmp2 is 4.


    Unique properties:

    AVLT's temperature (in centigrade) determines the minimum number of pixels of the element that matches it's ctype that must be within it's scanning range for it to be triggered (remember that just like LDTC, it only scans for elements directly in line with it in 8 possible directions.)  If it's temperature is 21C; for example, it's specified number of particles is 21.  If it's tmp2 is 1, it will be triggered if the number of pixels of the element that matches it's ctype is below it's temperature.


    New properties:


    The new properties mentioned in the title of this thread are of PCLN and PBCN.  If PCLN or PBCN have a tmp of 1, they will read the data of FILT that they're in contact with and create a certain number of particles accordingly; then automatically turn themselves off.  PCLN or PBCN won't create or clone FILT if their tmp is 1.  These new properties won't break saves as tmp currently does nothing in the case of PCLN and PBCN.

    Edited 6 times by MachineMan. Last: 21st Nov 2021