PMOL is based on the alien pathogen/physics-defying terraforming agent Protomolecule for the book series the expanse
-PMOL could be a viscous liquid found in the radioactive tab that has many state changes over time, its color would be a mix of glowing light blue and dark greyish-blue
-PMOL would start as a liquid until it comes into contact with another particle, which it would turn it into another PMOL, reflecting the state that particle was in (ie., if PMOL came into contact with DUST, it would be a powder PMOL), after a certain amount of PMOL is formed, it will stop spreading and all PMOL will become solid and then start forming 2 rings and form a portal-esc element RING filling each ring.
-the process can be sped up when PMOL is exposed to NEUT, PHOT, or PLTM; slowed down when exposed to OXYG or LOXY; and can be destroyed by PLSM, FIRE, or high pressure and temperature. gasses will not be converted into PMOL
-Solid PMOL starts as a glowing light blue that pulsates but slowly develops hexagonal dark-blue patterns
-liquid PMOL would be brown and glowing light blue, but then slowly turn solid
-powder PMOL would be glowing light blue and super light, basically floating in the air, if it lands on something that's not PMOL, and the PMOL limit has not been reached, it will start to spread more PMOL
-RING acts like portal in and portal out, but in both directions
-creates random amounts of gravity, both negative and positive
-kills Stickmen, but slowly, also makes them spit out liquid PMOL
-converts PLNT, WOOD, SAWD, and VINE very quickly
-Description: Converts other elements into more PMOL until it's satisfied, don't touch it
And that's really it
yeah, i had a couple of more ideas, but idk if it would make it too chaotic
would make the mod but i know nothing about programing
yeah, hopefully
I too am a fan of The Expanse. I wouldn't be opposed to this particle being added, it may be useful in some types of bombs.
well, OXYG slows down the spread, so maybe a bomb where it's suspended in LOXY, which is surrounded by something else