BALL:Ball pixels,bounces in solids and walls,flammable when heated to 300C,you can set a color deco to change color
FISH:fish pixels,swins in water,flammable when heated to 150C
BIRD:bird pixels,fly in empty spaces
PLAS:plastic,for bottles,it melts to 100C,solid
CELE:Custom element creator,make your own elements clicking that button,then put his properties and finnally you have that custom element!!!if saved in a save,his name is lost and changed to CELE
SCRE:screen,will work like an os!!!it will popup a message saying what os you want to add in that screen?with the option windows or mac,then select the version of that os,put the ram for vm,amount of harddisk(it will create a filt harddisk)and draw a rectangle,it must be a rectangle for working screen with pscn to turn it on and nscn to turn it off the vm,it will work like a vm,you need to click the screen with SPRK to capture the keyboard and mouse,press the ctrl right key to exit the vm
These are all of my element ideas
BALL: MoViNg SoLiD?!1 Or just useless element?
FISH, BIRD: uses? Also check TPT-Ultimata.
PLAS: Any uses?
SCRE: It is impossible to recreate a real OS in TPT, as well as generate a computer from a single rectangle. If you want an OS, learn to program, for example, R2.
ball isn't a moving solid,is just individual pixels that can bounce in solids
Im a noob using code with filt(even after reading the manual)
plastic is a solid for bottles
fish and bird can be for more AI elements
custom element,why not?
i just want that the ball pixels are individual because moving solids are too hard for coding for moderators
Why are balls needed, what are their uses?
Your problems.
Plastic used only for bottles and having no reactions other than melting is also useless. And in general, some people thinks that INSL is plastic.
Download Ultimata, vanilla TPT doesn't need these elements.
Because use Lua scripts.
Balls are for chain reactions
Be nice
plastic for bottles...
i have that mod
what is the name of that script?
Elements with a single purpose are not needed.
It is much easier to use existing computers or build your own. The creation of an element that independently generates a computer is impossible (moving solids are much easier to make).
Elements with a single purpose are not needed.
Use it.
You can write the script yourself and add any element you want in this way.
Is for chain reactions
I found a os computer save that works like MSDOS
Where is that element in that mod?
Im noob for making my own lua scripts,and of publishing that too
Is this the only purpose of this element?
This is not one save, but several (dozens). I also know of a falling sand game that implements moving solids (Noita). Plus, someone started developing a mod that adds this to TPT, and almost successfully.
"plastic for bottles..."?
Fishes and birds? In the "organic" tab.
Your problems too. No one needs thousands of saves, which require a custom element created by the creator of the save to work.
thats the os possible in one save,the another ones are link saves(link system saves)
Be nice
Elements with a single purpose are not needed.
Ok, I misunderstood you. However, it is not possible to automatically generate a computer like R2. Likewise, no one will add something that is easier to implement with the existing functions simply because someone does not know how to use them.
Elements with a single purpose are not needed.
No one will add something that is easier to implement with the existing functions simply because someone does not know how to use them.