Currently, velocity view is virtually useless when trying to determine the velocity of a pixel. It is based on air currents and not on the actual VX/VY of a particle, making it harder to determine how effects such as this proton experiment (ID:2796014) are created.
Instead, velocity view should be remade or a separate mode should be added. Particles would be assigned a color based on their velocity: VX could be blue, and VY could be red, with a particle's velocity being displayed as a blend of those 2 colors. The intensity of the red/blue is determined by how high the velocity value is (a VX of 1 is not as bright as a particle with VX of 10). Particles with no VX and no VY are shown in a grey color.
For example, a particle with a VX of 5 and a VY of 10 would appear to be a deep red-violet. A particle with a VX of 1 and a VY of 0 would be a dark blue. A particle with a VX of 100 and a VY of 100 would be a saturated purple color.