(This isn't to add magnetism to all metallic elements, but to add some magnet-like electronic tools.)
This will include two new elements, Magnet(MGNT) and Magnet Reciever(MGRC), and two new walls.
I have 2 notes:
1.) MGNT should be more like REPL instead of being a powered material, so that it simulates a permanent magnet.
2.) If tpt has an elemet like the one I mentioned above, then it should; likewise, have another element with the same properties but it IS a powered element. This element would simulate an electromagnet.
Other than that, pretty good as long as it doesn't use a modified version of the Newtonian gravity engine. I like the idea of electromagnetism being simulated in some more obvious way besides conductive elements emiting pressure as electricity travels along. However; I don't really see how this could be useful.
Magnets are on the rejected list but oth than that I like the idea
@Asomion463 I thought it was just magnets that are basically copies of newtonian gravity.
It is just magnets that are basically copies of newtonian gravity, or more accurately, GPMP.