Element Idea: Solid-State Drive (SSD)

  • Redfrogcrab
    23rd Aug 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    SSD can store SPRK and SPRK patterns, it has 2 modes; "receiving", activated with PSCN, which takes in SPRK; and "releasing", which releases it in a pattern, activated by NSCN

    -store data in the form of SPRK pattern, and releases them when activated

    -das it


    EDIT: I figured out how this would work in more detail, along with 2 other elements


    Basically, one pixel of SSD has a limited storage capacity (let's say, 9 SPRK per pixel) and can keep when a SPRK is stored (ie, say you spark it once and you wait a bit then you spark it 3 more time, when you put it in it's releasing mode, it will emit 1 SPRK, then after the same amount of time you waited, 3 more SPRK will be emitted) you can increase the storage capacity of SSD by adding more SSD

    Other elements in relation to SSD: SCAN (scanner) and PRIN (printer)
    -SCAN is a sensor that can detect nearby pixels (other than SSD, PRIN, CLNE and its variants, or other SCAN pixels), it then emits a pattern of sparks relating to that pixel it scanned

    -PRIN interperates patterns of spark and "prints" an element that the SPRK pattern represents (other than what SCAN can't interperate)

    Edited 6 times by Redfrogcrab. Last: 25th Aug 2021
  • Roberttherobot
    28th Aug 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I think this would be cool in some form, allows for more complex computers I suppose.