How do I create computer parts like ALU

  • Frundok
    22nd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I can't seem to find any guides anywhere for this;

    I'm looking to make a basic computer, nothing special.
    I can't find anything on electronics for this game much further than basic logic gates
    I could figure out how to make more basic stuff like RAM,

    but I need more help on something like arithmetic logic


    I have experience with computers, hardware, and low level programming with assembly or machine code,

    I do not have experience with this game;


    I'm just looking for some sort of guide, or compilation of guides, to help with this project.


  • bodester
    23rd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Disclaimer: I haven't made a computer


    If you have logic gates, then you should be able to translate real-world guides to the game. You might also look into learning subframe

    Edited once by bodester. Last: 23rd Jul 2021