LTNT is liquid TNT
HEX color: 0xFFE3836E
- This is Liquid TNT, this Like TNT.
- Liquid can freeze to TNT if >10,00 C
- Explosion 21% stronger than TNT
FRCK is firecracker
HEX color: 0xFFCCB400
- FRCK explosive to EMBR if burn with fire, 1 px FRCK explosive with power = 142 Px TNT
- A little bit of fire, but maybe PLSM
- Temperature from this explosive is 2312 C.
Thanks for reading. Please comment if something is wrong. Thank you again.
Uses to decoration and art.
Liquid TNT is basically NITR
LTNT is liquid TNT
HEX color: 0xFFE3836E
- This is Liquid TNT, this Like TNT.
- Liquid can freeze to TNT if >10,00 C
- Explosion 21% stronger than TNT
FRCK is firecracker
HEX color: 0xFFCCB400
- FRCK explosive to EMBR if burn with fire, 1 px FRCK explosive with power = 142 Px TNT
- A little bit of fire, but maybe PLSM
- Temperature from this explosive is 2312 C.
Thanks for reading. Please comment if something is wrong. Thank you again.