Gravitionite is a metal which changes color. it is orange(doesn't glow in fancy view) when it gets no Newtonian Gravity and as it gets Newtonian Gravity, the Tmp changes so it slowly changes to electric green(slightly glows in fancy view). If it is heated up, it will simply get closer to white(and glows more in fancy view). GRTP(Gravitonite powder) is the powdered version of GRTE.
GRTE or GRTP can decay into two GRVTs. The probability of the decay is directly proportional to the Tmp(which is based on the force of the Newtonian gravity on the particle).When the decay happens, an EXOT particle can spawn(50%). If GRTP decays, the GRVTs will partly get the velocity of the GRVP. When GRTE or GRTP meets a GRVT, it instantly decays.
GRTE can be rarely made when a EXOT particle which temp is under -100°C meets a BIZR particle.((5+(the number of GRTE or GRTP nearby)*5)% per frame) If the temp is between -100°C and -50°C, a GRTP will be made instead.
When GRTE or GRTP melts(melting point is near 1500°C), it just makes negative Neutonian gravity(about -25), turns to EXOT and spawns a BIZS particle if there is enough space, and there is a 20% chance to spawn a GRVT particle.
Usage? Seeing a GRVT without spawning it directly.
And don't pull it out from its grave, thank you.
Uses, please?
... im confused on how people find posts to necro, do people just get bored and go to like page 15 on the "most recent" tab? or is there some secret tab that im not finding that just shows every post that's easily necro-able.