Any easy ways to mod for beginners?

  • DiamondJack
    7th Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm extremely new and bad at coding. Ive tried finding modding tools, but they dont work. Fast-Driver's modding tool looks easy to use but it's outdated and the links don't work. Also, when I try to run the Lua Element Creator it says that Im missing a file. Is there any modding tools or a simpler way to code Powder Toy?

  • Furry_02
    21st Aug 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    You have to actually get the source, it's on Github somewhere. For some instructions on how to build it, look at the Wiki, it's under "Building TPT with Meson".

    If you want to use Lua, then this isn't the right section, you should be asking in Lua Assistance.


    For the "easy way to mod" part, no, there isn't. You have to program at some point. If you have no idea how to program in C++ or Lua, then I can't really help you, and you'll have to learn the one that you'll be using. 

    Edited once by Furry_02. Last: 21st Aug 2021
  • Linkram
    21st Aug 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Hmm... the Lua element must be exported and enabled (it is a separate script) hope this helps.