New Element STRC - Better Destruction

  • Maticzpl
    26th Jun 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    How it works:

    A structure particle is a solid that collapses and turns into powder if its structure isn't supported.
    When a structure particle is supported from below, it holds up rest of the particles around it
    You can adjust its strenght (distance from which it can support other particles) with tmp
    Potentialy the tmp can also adjust at what pressure it breaks.


    This element can be used to build structures that can collapse in a semi realistic way.
    Provide an alternative to BRCK that doesnt leave floating debry behind.

    This could replace ANAR ceilings and reduce floating debry after destruction of a building.

    Code used in gifs below: STRC.cpp by Maticzpl
    Feel free to copy the code)
    (Also this should by no means be the final version. There are a few issues with it now like being supported by gases)

    Example usage for buildingModded in prototypeAnother example

    Edited 4 times by Maticzpl. Last: 27th Jun 2021
  • Rajat
    28th Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink
