Element Nitrogen gas

  • atom652
    11th Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I just wanted to nitrogen gas be added because when i heat up loxy it turns into a oxyg but when its ln2 it turns to nothing. And for plants is a good idea.

  • BokkaB
    11th Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Unlikely due to properties that LN2 has. Maybe we can change the name of LN2 to something else and make a new LN2 and gaseous nitrogen?

    Not sure if the properties of LN2 are attributable to something else that is real,however.

    Have a good day!



  • Floridasg
    11th Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    LN2 is really widely used for cooling because it doesnt produce annoying gas. LOXY is worse at cooling because it produces OXYG and pressure. Also OXYG is flammable. If LN2 will make nitrogen gas it will be annoying because you will have to somehow get rid of the gas that forms when LN2 boils.

  • MachineMan
    11th Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    The most popular idea to make implementation of gaseous nitrogen in tpt possible is the idea of changing the name of LN2 to coolant and then implementing N2 (which is the proposed element abbreviation for tpt nitogen) and a new version of LN2 that evaporates into N2.  This new version would still be called LN2 though.  One time, I told people about this and they told me about the idea of replacing NICE with a newer version, as well as renaming the old verion solid coolant (I don't remember the abbreviation.)  Neither of these ideas are mine, I'm just onboard with them and I'm not trying to hijack this thread.

  • SamDwich
    17th Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink


    The most popular idea to make implementation of gaseous nitrogen in tpt possible is the idea of changing the name of LN2 to coolant and then implementing N2 (which is the proposed element abbreviation for tpt nitogen) and a new version of LN2 that evaporates into N2.  This new version would still be called LN2 though.  One time, I told people about this and they told me about the idea of replacing NICE with a newer version, as well as renaming the old verion solid coolant (I don't remember the abbreviation.)  Neither of these ideas are mine, I'm just onboard with them and I'm not trying to hijack this thread.

     Cryocoolant and Frozen Cryocoolant. Those are good names, and possibly we could make LH2 and HICE while we're at it.