tpt on Xbox when

  • Sov3tskoyeBoi1922
    1st Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    When will tpt be on Xbox? My laptop's hard drive failed ;-;

  • Sylvi
    1st Jun 2021 Moderator 0 Permalink
    @Sov3tskoyeBoi1922 (View Post)
    Probably never.

    Game console publication requires integration of libraries that are proprietary under specific license agreements. These are incompatible with our game license under GPLv3 that stipulates releasing the source code for any version modified and distributed. Since a game console's API library is proprietary and cannot be released, this makes it incompatible.

    This has also already been addressed in "How to suggest an element", point six:

    "6) Official porting to most mainstream gaming systems will be rejected. Systems such Sony's PS4 or the Nintendo Switch use proprietary libraries/SDKs which have incompatible licenses with The Powder Toy's GPLv3."
    Edited 3 times by Lockheedmartin. Last: 1st Jun 2021