This is my super-cool (or super-hot) heater using the GOL element. Moving "Life" runs at about 8000C, so it easily (and omfg quickly) melts the glass.
Now here's the question - what would be the largest still-life that could be used in a cooler design, since non-moving life patterns (still-life) run at -273.15C? The criteria for the still-lifes are size, connectedness, compactness, and a flat face - size to provide more bits that are providing cooling, connectedness since heat won't hop a gap like electricity, compactness so more can be fit into a certain area, and flat faces to provide the best transmission to the diamond used as a cooler.
For those of you familiar with Conway's Game of Life, something to note is that any borders (walls, other particles) only interact with GOL particles to -block- generation of a cell - you can drop something on moving GOL to make it go into a different pattern, but still life won't be affected.
How about Catelites DEUT distiller? That one uses the stain GOL which is at absolute zero. I don't know what the biggest one would be, but its the biggest that I know of.
this is not hard. alot of people can do it. i have been doing since it came out. the newer life particles are hot so if they are touching something (diamond) they heat it up. the old life particles stay at a contant -256 degrees or something (the lowest there is).
@smjjames: hurr derp - I totally missed that. My only excuse is that I've been away from PT for a while. That being said, I did a search on "Life", "Conway", and "GOL" before posting, so the idea hasn't been made public.
Made2Shred: The above applies to your comment as well. With that said, after your comment, I took a poke at your saves - clever way of using the Day/Night life. I like the way pulsar quadrants look, though. ;)
Put two + signs (second smallest brush) with three pixels between two arms like so: + + (make sure you pause first!)
Once you unpause, it'll expand (eventually) into a "48-56-72 Pulsar" - it's a funky oscillating thing. More importantly, it's two halves of what I put around the diamond to heat it. Of note is that the half-pulsar will NOT stay stable if it isn't up against something.
Another resource if you're interested in Conway's Game of Life is - this is basically everything that has anything to do with GoL and how it works. A lot of it is stupidly technical, but it's also quite interesting if you've got a geeky bent like I do.
A second good resource is - it's a Game of Life emulator. The big bonus is that it's got its own version of the "Life Lexicon" I linked above. If you're in the program, open the lexicon and click on a pattern - it'll pop up in it, ready to run.
Edit: I'll go you one better - I just made a save called "2 pre-pulsars" - check that out and unpause.
Your heating oscillator may be faster, but that blinking yellow thing it has going gives me a headache. *grin* (also note that I started my glass at -273.15 instead of the standard 21-ish. Adds a bit of a lag in mine, though not too much)
Nice on the cooler, though. Do you have a particular attribution preference if I "steal" one of your ideas? :p
(that being said, I went with a solid block of stain like in your DEUT distiller that smjjames pointed me at >_>)