Infinite Power without using Cloners

  • Smelli_Eli
    29th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink



    I was trying to make an infinite power machine without the use of cloners, duplicating rays, or anything of the sort. 2687241 is the farthest I got before stagnating. Could anyone offer advice and/or thoughts on the build?

  • AtlantisDragon
    4th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    What kind of power do you mean? I know how to get electrons (= electricity) - no clones or detector wall.

    Also protons, photons and neutrons if you need them.


    Edited 2 times by AtlantisDragon. Last: 4th Apr 2021
  • EnganK
    4th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Without the using of CLNE, you can get at least photons (GLOW reactor) and YEST (some heat). PHOT can be converted to ELEC (via BIZR), to NEUT (via INVS), and to PROT (via HYGN). PROT / NEUT + ELEC = HYGN. Convert HYGN to NBLE, CO2 and OXYG using thermonuclear reactions. OXYG + HYGN + FIRE = DSTW. DSTW can be converted to ice, steam, and BUBW (+ CO2). YEST can be converted to DUST (by heating), and DUST becomes FWRK when irradiated with NEUT.

    PROT in high speed collisions can give NBLE, CO2, POLO, URAN and PLUT. PLUT explodes at high pressure to form URAN and molten STNE.

    If you just need SPRK, you can make simple photocells (PSCN and NSCN) and direct photons at them, or direct electrons to any conductor.

    Edited once by EnganK. Last: 4th Apr 2021
  • AtlantisDragon
    4th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Also DEUT = GLOW + WATR

    and NEUT + GLAS = PHOT so if you have a cooling system you can get electricity from POLO and BIZR.

  • EnganK
    4th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    GLOW is not an infinite resource - it cannot be produced in any way. However, POLO can indeed be produced in a proton collider, although it is easier to use a GLOW reactor to produce photons / neutrons / electrons.

  • firefreak11
    5th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    URAN + BOYL in an enclosed space where pressure can't escape creates a positive feedback loop that generates heat and pressure