pilojo Because you are incompetent and pretend to know the tiniest bit of Linux, yet in reality, you know nothing, and don't even know what a virtual machine is and the difference between it and an operating system.
HarmonicFarts I can help you easier if you get on IRC, but for now, just press "New" on the top left. a 1-2 gig HDD should be sufficient for ubuntu and anything else you might like to test out (e.g., other DE/WM's). Did you download the Ubuntu .iso yet? There's a big download button on the front page ^^. Anyway, download that and select it when VirtualBox prompts you for it.
Strangely I started my GNU/Linux life by the command line... As everyone said you can start with Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine, because it is the easiest GNU/Linux OS in the world.