Above all, sorry for my bad english: I think my idea will be very hard to realize, but i propose it anyway.
I was wondering if The Powder Toy could be structured in levels: it will be like a 3D simulation in some way. I'll try to explain: let's put a 1x1 element in a determined coordinate, then we change level and there will be another simulation window: if we put another element in the same coordinate of the one before, they will be connected as we had put them side by side. In this way simulations can be more complex and nice. I hope I was helpful.
It's ok. It was posted a very long time ago. Although I have a feeling that something about it is mentioned on the Rules thread. EDIT: I'm wrong. There was nothing on the Rules thread.
HarmonicFarts No, I have power to edit posts. Changed it for rules, but no warning issued. Candunc No I meant ALL letters in the title. Such as: HELLO THERE!!