Black holes spin

  • MachineMan
    30th Jan 2021 Member 5 Permalink

    Here's two new element suggestions that are primarily used in destruction and may not have much uses be would certainly be fun to play with:


    Spinning Black Hole (or SBHL):


    No, it's not a moving solid.  It stays still like all solids.  SBHL creates ERGO (see below) which spins around it in a clockwise motion.  It behaves like BHOL except unlike BHOL, it's immune to virus (solid, liquid, and gas.)  It's bacically BHOL 2.0.


    Ergosphere (or ERGO):


    Energy particles that spawn around SBHL (see above.)  Unlike other energy particles, it doesn't glow regardless of wheather it's viewed in fire display or nothing display.  It has the same color and the same noise as PLSM (when PLSM is viewed in nothing display.)  Like SBHL, it's immune to virus (solid, liquid, and gas.)  ERGO is transparent to every element (i.e. it passes through every element like LIGH and BRAY pass though walls,) but the ERGO field around the SBHL causes powders, liquids, gases, and breakable solids (it turns breakable solids into their powdered forms) to spiral towards the SBHL like water spirals down a drain.  However, it only has a 50% chance of doing so, the ERGO field also has a 50% chance of flinging said powders, liquids, gases, or breakable solids away from it at the same amount of velocity necessary for protons to turn into SING.  This makes SING factories possible.  The ERGO field treats energy particles (other than ERGO) differently,  Energy particles in the field only have 25% chance of spiraling towrds the SBHL and a 75% chance of being flung away at the aformentioned velocity.  ERGO passes though solid elements and even walls (like LIGH and BRAY.)  The ERGO field also inherits it's SBHL's temperature and thus will heat up along with it's SBHL.  ERGO should be placed in the hidden elements category since it's only purpose is serve the SBHL that creates it.


    USES:  As mentioned above, it is useful in SING factories, which are currently hard to do in tpt, but it also can be used in a power station that tpt has never seen before, a black hole power station.  You could fire a photon laser at the SBHL/ERGO field and it will be flung to either a surrounding coat of solar pannels or a surrounding array of the upcoming element, VSNS.

    Edited 4 times by MachineMan. Last: 15th Feb 2021
  • ratio1
    30th Jan 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I know from where this idea is came from.

    But a y ay, cool idea! But I suggest that ERGO should be inv s ble field, don't swarm ot part cle .

  • Riptier1
    1st Feb 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    Amazing! I would love for this to be added to TPT.