Improve PSTN behavior when SPRK'd

  • Fusionftw
    28th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    If PSTN is sparked with both PSCN and NSCN (or other conductor) on the same frame, PSTN will seize and not move. Instead, it should extend.

    I'm making an engine that only runs if there is fuel (if the engine detects fuel, it goes through one cycle). The lockout that I use to prevent the engine from cycling while it is in the middle of one doesn't reset 100% of the time because of this behavior (it uses PSTN to interrupt an INST line).


    I'm not sure if the original behavior is used by any other saves though.


    Example save demonstrating this:

    Edited 2 times by Fusionftw. Last: 28th Dec 2020
  • TiredTech
    1st Jan 2021 Member 2 Permalink

    PSTN does extend. It extends and then retracts in the same frame when sparked by both pscn and some other conductor at once. If you want it to just extend then you can just spark it with pscn alone. I don't see why you need to change the way pstn works either. You can make your gate in a multitude of ways, why stick with doing it with pstn?