IlikeUssr once suggested a new wall called EMP wall. It works like gravity wall but with EMP blasts instead of newtonian gravity. It inspired me to come up with an idea for an elemental equivalent of this wall:
Electromagnetic pulse 2.0 (or EMP2 for short.)
EMP2 works similar to EMP. But instead of being an electronic, it's a powered material and instead of a blue blast (like EMP,) it's blast is red. An EMP2 blast is square-shaped and EMP2's tmp controls the area (length x width.) For example: a tmp of one means that the EMP2 blast is two pixels long and two pixels wide. The area of the EMP2 blast is always quadruple the tmp value of the EMP2. Unlike an EMP blast an EMP2 blast is harmless to electronics at all times. EMP2 blasts stop EMP blasts from forming within the area that EMP2 blasts cover. If EMP2 has a tmp2 value of one, it converts FILT bits into tmp value--and, by extension, area covered by it's blast. Like, other powered materials, it is activated by PSCN and deactivated by NSCN. But unlike other powered materials, it can also be activated by NTCT and BREL. This is so it can be activated while EMP is being used as EMP2 blasts also disable already-existing EMP blasts within the EMP2 blast's covered area. Examples of how this element is useful: if a wall challenge employs the use of EMP, EMP2 would protect the machine that is being used to beat the wall challenge. You also use it to simulate electromagnetic waves cancelling each other out.
NOTE: I apologize if this suggestion is really long. I wanted to make sure I left no detail out.