SVID - Save ID
When the save a pixel of SVID is in is unpaused, it will change all pixels of FILT touching it to a value corresponding to the save ID. Particles of SVID are updated when they are created, so stamping in a pixel from one save to another won't break anything.
If a pixel of SVID is placed into a simulation that has not been uploaded, like the home page or a local save, it will only return a ctype of 0.
Prevent save stealing; you could make a device that compares the ID of the original save to the save that it has been placed in, then explodes if the ID's don't match.
Possible Drawbacks:
A network connection is possibly needed for this element to work.
Making a device to compare save ID could be possibly difficult for beginners, could the element output a SPRK if the save ID given in its .TMP equals the ID it reads?