Do you miss the oil power plant?

  • Supercrafter
    2nd Aug 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Don't worry about it. I made it as accurately as that save as I could. Plus, it's bomb-friendly. Well,except for the fuel tank gates, but still, yay! (planning on implementing the temperature warning system) play now by clicking on it below!

    Yes I did get the view bug.

    Version history 

    Coming soon

    V 0.1=indestructible fuel tanks, inefficient and mostly indestructible design.

    V 0.2=literally just a slab of titanium added.

    V 0.3=same as 0.2, probably just made for more attention.

    V 0.4=tried new Boiler design, failed.

    V 0.5=the same as 0.4

    V 0.6=reverted to same terrible Boiler system

    V 0.7=tried new Boiler design, failed. 

    V 0.8=BIG UPDATE:destructible fuel tanks, new combustion chamber and Boiler design, the design being inefficient again, and coolant cycling system. 

    V 0.9=again, same as previous version

    V 1.0=coming soon

    V 1.1

    V 1.2

    Edited 3 times by Supercrafter. Last: 2nd Aug 2020