Short description: I am looking for a solid element that lets particles through.
I am trying to build some kind of pipe that could be blocked by pistons.
If you want me to explain how it would work (if that helps), tell me.
Long story short, I need an element that is transparent and lets particles through. Something between E - Wall and INVS.
I need the element to be moved by pistons, but also to be transparent for liquids and solids, just like e-wall or invs.
I tried using INVS and keeping it constantly turned on by writing "tpt.el.invs.enabled=1" in console. Didn't work.
Can't use E - WALL (wall becomes transparent when electrified) because it is not moved by pistons.
If there is no certain element that works, is there a way I could achieve what I want?
Thanks for reading all of that.
No such vanilla element exists in tpt. I once suggested an element that might do the job, but I won't say it because I don't want to hijack this thread. That would be against the rules.
pipe (in force section) might work