Temperature ray (TRAY) is an element with color RGB(159,159,159) and starting temperature of 22°C. Its property is somewhat similar to one of brown BRAY,but different.
When sparked with METL,it will send invisible rays that will change the temperature of anything that they hit to the temperature of TRAY.
When sparked with PSCN, rays will heat objects for some number of Celsius degrees. This number can be set with ctype and at start is 20.
When sparked with NSCN, rays will make objects colder.
These rays are not elemental.
It will have the temperature of the hottest touching object when its tmp is 1, or coldest when tmp is 0.
Temperature from TRAY cannot pass to other objects that directly touch it.
This element is going to be extremly simple,but also extremly usable.
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