
  • MachineMan
    27th Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Here's an idea for a new element, a little contribution to the future of tpt.  I know it's very rare for a living thing to be added to tpt (with the exception of "game of life" elements) but I just gotta give it a shot, so here it is:


    Geobacter (aka; GEOB)

    GEOB has the same spawn temperature as VIRS and is a liquid, but can be solid or gas and has the same freezing, melting, and boiling points as VIRS.  Just as PLNT grows with WATR, GEOB grows with SPRK or upon contact with electrons.  It also conducts electricity.  It accepts SPRK from every conductive material, except WIFI, INST, INWR, WWLD, BMTL, and BRMT.  It only transfers SPRK to IRON, BMTL, and BRMT.  If BMTL, or BRMT is sparked by GEOB, they will turn back into IRON (GOLD can only do this with BMTL, but not with BRMT.)  GEOB dissolves in OXYG, just as a lot of elements dissolve in CAUS.  GEOB is also flammable.  It doesn't conduct while in it's gaseous form.


    NOTE:  GEOB doesn't coat the conductive material when sparked like SHLD does.  Instead, it gets "fatter" like PLNT does when PLNT comes into contact with WATR.

    Edited 3 times by MachineMan. Last: 3rd Feb 2020
  • BokkaB
    27th Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    How to use it?It do not seem very useful.

    Have a good day!



  • MachineMan
    28th Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I did mention that it can reverse the rusting of IRON even if it reaches it's BRMT stage.  GOLD can only do this up to the BMTL stage.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 28th Jan 2020